03 September 2024

Leather & Lark by Brynne Weaver REVIEW


After contract killer Lachlan Kane botches a job for his boss's biggest client, he knows he'll never claw his way out of the underworld. At least, not until songbird Lark Montague offers him a deal: hunt down a killer, and she'll secure his freedom. The catch? He has to marry her. And they can't stand each other.

Indie singer-songwriter Lark is the sunshine that burns through the darkness Lachlan Kane tries to hide behind. Lachlan might think Lark is just a privileged princess, but the truth is that she keeps plenty of secrets. With her formidable family in a tailspin and her best friend's happiness on the line, Lark's willing to make a vow to the man she's determined to hate, no matter how tempting the broody assassin might be.

As Lachlan and Lark navigate the mission that binds them together, it becomes impossible to discern their fake marriage from a real one. But the restless ghosts left in their wake are only a few steps behind, ready to claim more than just their newfound love.

My Thoughts:

It took a little bit for me to get into this one, as it is very different than the first. We first meet Lark as she is killing someone who deserves it, when she ends up needing a cleanup crew to help afterwards. This is when she first meets Lachlan, who, at the time, is in a terrible mood and is not very nice to her. They meet again at Rowan and Sloane's party, where they don't recognize each other at first and almost kiss. Lark's family is having some issues, and her parents think that Lachlan is to blame - and although Lark despises him, he is Rowan's brother, and she doesn't believe he would do that. Prompted by her Aunt Ethel, she proposes marriage to get the target off his back and to find the person who is really responsible.

I had fun reading this book. The characters are very well developed. The reader, like Lark, doesn't like Lachlan at first, and then slowly starts to like him. But my favorite character by far is definitely Aunt Ethel, who is an older lady that does not care about what anyone thinks of her, but cares deeply for her family. I do think that the antagonist is kind of underdeveloped though, as his two traits are being religious and wanting revenge for his brother's death. He seemed a little one-dimensional compared to the antagonist in the first book.

My Rating: 3 stars

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