16 August 2024

The Demon by Victory Witherkeigh REVIEW


The Demon is now in full possession of the Girl's body, and she is starting her journey in Berkeley, California. She should be thrilled and ecstatic - the plan worked!

Except she doesn't remember the plan. The Demon has memories of the Girl's life and vague impressions of a deal made with the Filipino warrior LapuLapu. She reconnects with her former master, Death, and discovers that her bargain went against his will.

Death's punishment is beyond her comprehension - enduring the cruelties of morality and leaving her imprisoned in the former Girl's university life. Life experiences, toxic friendships, emotional and physical attachments, and finally, heartbreak prove sadistic even for a Demon.

Can a demon have an identity crisis? What happens when the Demon shows more independence of thought and understanding of the cycle of dependency?

Death isn't the only one waiting to find out . . .

My Thoughts:

The idea of a demon losing her memories once she possesses a human body is a very intriguing thought, and it is explored pretty well, as we follow the demon going through mundane human experiences and get bits and pieces of her memory back at a time. The memories and flashbacks are arguably the best parts of the book, as we see a glimpse of who the demon was and what her life was like before possessing the Girl's body. Instead of food, the demon feeds on portions of a person's lifetime, which is also a cool concept. Normally demons are portrayed to have to feed on souls. 

The characters are very well developed, even the side characters that the demon interacts with. The Girl's family is pretty despicable, but the demon loves her grandmother, who is the only decent family member. The students on the university campus that the demon is around are either likable or unbearable, which is very true in real life as well.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this, and I do hope that there is another book coming out, as the ending does not seem like an ending.

My Rating: 4 stars

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