08 September 2019

Julian Fox: The Dream Guardian by E. J. Miranda REVIEW


Thanks to their dreams, dreamers can receive the special visit of eternal wisdom that has inspired the creativity of great inventors, scientists, musicians, and even writers throughout the ages.
This creative wisdom is not always the type that appears to the eager conscience. Sometimes, a Defiler, a destroyer of dreams, is the one who tries to appear before the dreamer. These creatures were once humans, but they allowed their pain and desire for revenge to take over and seek the same miserable fate for the one who dreams. You must not fear-Dream Guardians, also known as Kelsdrant, will always protect the one who dreams, even with their own life. They are people of flesh and bone, just like you and me, or at least they are on earth.
The following story is dedicated to the fun, extravagant, and enlightening life of Julian Fox, the Dream Guardian.

My Thoughts:

I went into this book not really knowing what to expect. I knew it would be fantasy, but the synopsis was one that I had never heard of before and had no clue how it would go.
About one-third into the book, the story picks up a little and becomes more interesting.
I really loved the emphasis on family in this book; most fantasy novels don't have that and it was fun to see the characters develop throughout the novel.
Most of the characters were useful in some kind of way, but Henry did not seem to serve a purpose except to make Julian annoyed.
I absolutely loved the world building. It was well done. There was enough description, but not too much.
I would love to see more books that take place in this world from the author. Especially since the ending did not make much sense to me.
I would definitely recommend this to anyone, it is like a breath of fresh air in the fantasy genre.

My Rating: 4 stars