23 August 2024

Family Pack by Kali Metis REVIEW


The novel Family Pack, written by Kali Metis (the pen name for Lisa Kastner) is the follow up novel to Cure and continues the tale of Luna Auber as she discovers her own destiny and provides the origins of the two primary lycanthropic organizations, The Lycanthrope Society which believe that humans and lycanthropes should exist in harmony while The Righteous Group believe that lycanthropes are intended to rule over all other species and Luna's battle to prevent the decimation of the world as she knows it.

My Thoughts:

Luna works at a bakery and lives with her fiance, who just proposed. She receives a call from Birger, a fellow werewolf who helped her in the past who wants her to go back and finish her training. There is also a rumor that Chago, the leader of The Righteous Group, is still alive after being thought dead. We also get flashbacks with the stories of Birger and Chago, who are both very old werewolves, and how both organizations were formed. Luna discovers how special her powers are, and helps the Lycanthrope Society try to make peace with the Righteous Group.

It took some time to get used to reading in 1st POV (it has been awhile for me). Despite Luna being the main character, she is barely in the book, as the flashbacks are more prominent in and to the story in this novel. The flashbacks were, in fact, the best parts of the book, as it was really intriguing to hear Birger's and Chago's stories of survival at a time where werewolves were treated as under humans. Luna's fiance randomly disappears in the book with seemingly no explanation, which seemed odd considering how close the two were at the beginning of the book. There were some spelling/grammatical errors, but it makes sense, considering this is an advanced copy. I did enjoy reading this, but I had to get halfway through the book for that to happen.

My Rating: 3 stars  

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