05 April 2019

Girl Waits With Gun by Amy Stewart REVIEW


When Constance Kopp and her sisters suffer a run-in with a ruthless, powerful crook, Constance leaves her quiet country life to team up with the local sheriff and exact justice. As a war of bricks, bullets, and threats ensues, Constance realizes that this raacketeer's history may be more damning than she thought, but now that she's on the case, he won't get away.

My Thoughts:

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It starts out with humor before the Kopp sisters are run into by a car driven by Mr. Kaufman, a wealthy man in charge of a company who cares nothing for his workers or the people around him. Constance goes after him, at first just for the money he owes her sisters from the damage, but when he starts sending threatening letters and shooting into their windows, she goes to the police for help. In the midst of all this, she somehow is able to help another victim of Kaufman--one of his employees who was raped by him and got her child sent away. Constance goes to several orphanages around town to find the girl's son. At the end of the book, it seems like Kaufman was sent to jail, but it wasn't really clear on that. And there's a sequel that I can't wait to read!
I would definitely recommend giving this book a try. It is a historical fiction novel based on the adventures of a real person.

My Rating: 5 stars

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