21 July 2024

Serpentine Valentine by Giana Darling REVIEW

My Thoughts:

This book made me feel things. Lex Gorgon is a student at Acheron University who loves literature and women. When she starts a friendship with Professor Morgan, things go downhill. Luring her with the promise of an assistantship next semester, he drugs and assaults her in his office on Halloween night. Lex reports this, but her accusation is dismissed pretty much immediately. The president tries to kick her out, but she threatens to sue them because they have no reason to. Lex, it turns out, came back to campus for revenge. Practically no one believed her, and she vows to make Professor Morgan and the president pay. She gets close to Luna, the president's daughter, who she planned to use to get revenge. But Lex starts falling for Luna, who is also falling for Lex.

The characters are very believable, although the romance seems a bit rushed in the beginning. At the heart of this story is a retelling of Medusa, and the book deals heavily with the topic of sexual assault and the healing process. It hits you right in the heart. Luna helps Lex see that vigilante justice isn't always the right way to go, but she never outright stops her, instead letting her find that out for herself. The romance is also a huge part of the book, and deals with sexual exploration and homophobia. The steamy scenes are well written and captivating.

This novel makes you smile, cry, and laugh. It brings out all of the emotions very well. I would be lying if I didn't say this book changed my life. Very few books have actually made me cry. I definitely recommend this book, however please make sure you are comfortable reading about the subject matter before you do.

My Rating: 5 stars

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