24 October 2020

Gatekeeper by Alison Levy REVIEW

 My Thoughts:

I absolutely loved this. I would have gotten this review done sooner but I am so busy with college lately. Rachel is from another dimension. Her job has her working with daemons, but her new assignment has her tracking down a killer trying to open another dimension so a very old, very dangerous daemon can get out and wreak havoc. The job is something she's never done before-and she has no available help since the offices are closed and no one is answering her calls. Rachel's first attempt at capturing the man is unsuccessful, but she finds a flash drive that he drops while running away. Since she is unable to read the language on the drive, she enlists the help of Miss Morely, an expert in languages, which gets them both captured. Can she finish the job? Why is the killer so obsessed with opening this door and finding a long lost gatekeeper?

I loved getting to know Rachel and her home dimension. I would, however, have loved to know more about her home and job. The end sounded like there was going to be a sequel, which would be amazing. I can't wait to see what else the author has in store. 

My Rating: 5 stars