16 October 2015

The Bar Code Rebellion by Suzanne Weyn REVIEW

Bar Code Tattoo Trilogy: Book Two

Kayla has resisted getting the bar code tattoo, even though it's meant forfeiting a "normal" life. Without the tattoo, she's in exile. But she can't stay in exile for long . . .
For reasons she doesn't completely understand--but will soon discover--Kayla is at the center of a lethal conspiracy that will soon threaten the very notion of freedom. Kayla can either give in to the bar code or she can join the resistance and fight it. The choice, to her, is clear: It's time to fight.

They want your identity.
They want your freedom.
They can't have them.

My Thoughts:

This book was a lot more interesting than the previous book. Kayla is a clone of the person she thought was her grandmother. There are also five other clones that are spread out across the country in hiding so that they won't be experimented on any more.
But it swore a few times and was sometimes boring.

My Rating: 4 stars

1 comment:

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