30 August 2015

Friends and Traitors by C. J. Hill REVIEW


*Sequel to Slayers*

Tori is at a White House dinner party when she hears a horrifying sound: dragon eggs hatching. It means in less than a year, the dragons will be mature and dangerous. The Slayers are well-trained, but their group is not yet complete, and Tori is determined to track down Ryker Davis, the mysterious Slayer who has yet to surface.
What Tori doesn’t bargain for, however, is the surprising truth about her powers: she isn’t a Slayer after all, but a Dragon Lord, with a built-in predisposition to protect dragons, not kill them.
How will she overcome this to save the lives of her friends?

My Thoughts:

This book is a great sequel to Slayers. It was well written and interesting, unlike many sequels that I have read. I think there is going to be another book, because the story is not really over by the end of this one.
I still don't like the love triangle. It was kind of important in this book, though.
It was surprising that Ryker's cousin is also a Slayer.

My Rating: 5 stars

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