23 March 2023

Full Brutal by Kristopher Triana REVIEW


Kim White is a very popular cheerleader. She's pretty, healthy, and comes from a well-off family. She has everything a girl of sixteen is supposed to want. And she's sick to death of it.

In search of something to pull her out of her suicidal thoughts, she begrudgingly decides to lose her virginity, having heard it's a life-changing event. But Kim doesn't want to do it the same way her peers do. She seduces one of her teachers, hoping to ruin his life just for the fun of it. This starts Kim on a runaway train of sadism, and she makes every effort to destroy the lives of those around her. But soon simple backstabbing is not enough to keep her excited, and she nosedives into sabotage, violence, and even murder. 

When Kim finds out she's pregnant with her teacher's child, a new madness overtakes her, and she realizes there's only one thing that will satisfy her baby's hunger . . .

My Thoughts:

Wow. This was brutal (haha). Some parts I loved, some I didn't.

Kim is such an interesting character. We know from the jump that she has psychopathic traits, but it's just her thoughts. And then she dives further into madness. After she seduces the teacher, she makes a point to befriend his daughter, who she decided to teach for cheerleading tryouts. She finds herself discontent with just this, and Kim decides to ruin the daughter's life too.

Kim is able to get away with murder, but when she learns she's pregnant, the baby wants human meat on the menu.

I liked the added touch of the torture porn to murder pipeline. I found myself disliking the sex scenes though. Kim is unlikeable, and I love when authors pull it off by making you hate the character but needing to read more, and Triana does this so well.

The ending did feel a little rushed, but it was good regardless. 

My Rating: 4 stars

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